A warm welcome

I look forward to our exchange on the challenges of the future.

It is my pleasure and honor to work with you to lay the foundation for future business success.

Since your challenges are as unique as my name, you will find me on the channel of your choice. Please feel free to contact me.

Sabrina von Nessen

Tel.: 0151 / 535 20301
E-mail: office@von-nessen.com

Ihre Daten werden im Rahmen unserer Datenschutzerklärung nur für die Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage verarbeitet.

Sabrina von Nessen

Königsbrunner Str. 24
86507 Oberottmarshausen

Phone: 0151 535 20301
E-Mail: office@von-nessen.com

© Copyright 2022 Sabrina von Nessen