References & Feedback

There is no need for a pig in a poke, because you can be convinced by enthusiastic participants and customers.

Your judgment is my reality and your success is the most beautiful feedback.

Not only my clients, but also I have high standards for myself: to remain authentic, to offer added value, to inspire, and to motivate for implementation. I am all the more pleased that my customers appreciate exactly that and give positive feedback. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank my clients and partners for the wonderful cooperation over the past years.

Sabrina von Nessen freut sich über das wertschätzende Feedback der Kunden

What enthusiastic customers say

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Sabrina von Nessen

4,99 von 5


326 Bewertungen



02.04.2024Empfehlung! Ich durfte bei Sabrina von Nessen in ihrem Podcast „Menschen in Führung“ zu Gast sein, um uns über einen innovativen Führungsansatz in Unternehmen: Sensitive Leadership auszutauschen. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Sabrina war hochprofessionell. Ihre jahrelange TOP Management Erfahrung gepaart mit Menschlichkeit macht die Arbeit mit ihr nahbar und unkompliziert. Dabei bewegt sie sich stets auf Augenhöhe und kompetent auf einem hohen Niveau. Diese Mischung macht sie einzigartig. Selten ist mir eine Kooperation so leicht gefallen und hat noch dazu viel Spaß gemacht. Ich kann Sabrina aus vollem Herzen als Expertin für Leadership empfehlen.
20.02.2024Empfehlung! Ich hatte die Freude, mich mit Sabrina im Rahmen eines Interviews über das Thema Führung & Kommunikation zu unterhalten. Wir haben uns über die Unverzichtbarkeit von Kommunikation und über das Engagement und die Aufgaben von Führungskräften in diesem Kontext ausgetauscht - ein breites Thema, das wir in einzelnen Aspekten beleuchteten und deren Wichtigkeit diskutierten.
19.02.2024Empfehlung! 5 von 5 Sternen.
13.01.2024Empfehlung! My podcast interview with Sabrina was a great get-together. We talked about entrepreneurship and passion in life. I really enjoyed our session with her and can only recommend her as a great leader and very warm person.

Five stars feedback

Unique on stage as well

Your audience receives information, inspiration and motivation from a single source. Sabrina von Nessen delivers convincing impulses to finally take action. This is what enthusiastic participants and customers say:

"As digital and connected as we have become - it all starts with you! With her, you get an insight into the human behind the digital. It's about the personal why and authentic success. On stage, she convinces with a clear, pointed message that is packaged and delivered in a very entertaining way."  

Auf der Bühne überzeugt sie mit einer klaren, pointierten Botschaft, die sehr unterhaltsam verpackt und vorgetragen wird.“

Hermann Scherer

Top Speaker

"Clever and inspiring lectures on the topic of leadership. You can feel that she speaks from many years of experience, her explanations are easy to follow and yet the words are thought-provoking."

Simon Hofer


„Sabrina is an excellent coach and motivational speaker combining extensive experience with an open minded attitude.“

Andrea Hammer

Head of Global PMO, Allianz

"In addition to her enormous professionalism, Ms. von Nessen has a strong emphatic charisma. I am happy about even more veritable insights. It is a great asset for me."

Annett Schaper

Menori Design GmbH

"She gets to the heart of things in a sympathetic way, never loses the overview and picks up her audience. I look forward to more stimulating and interesting conversations with her."

Sabine Beulich

Key Acc. Manager, Danfoss Silicon Power

"What a woman! IQ paired with an inspiring and motivating nature! She manages to capture the hearts of the audience with ease. I am more than thrilled by her speech."

Kathrin Leinweber

Impulse giver & author

"A super great talk and a speaker who has something to say. Many, many thanks."

Albert Bachmann


"In her very authentic way Sabrina von Nessen gave a lot of useful inputs. Unvarnished insights into the everyday experiences of an executive. Definitely attend a talk, it's worth it!"

Katharina Benz

Economic Attaché, Government of Quebec

"An inspiring talk. Refreshingly entertaining, exciting and peppered with interesting input. Thank you very much for the impressive talk."

Robert Paulus

Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur, Forum: Handwerk

"An inspiring talk. Refreshingly entertaining, exciting and peppered with interesting input. Thank you very much for the impressive talk."

Jürgen Jörges

Mold expert

"A really captivating and inspiring wow speech. She brings her many years of experience and charm to the audience in the most direct way."

Nikolaus Lesti


For you in the fast lane: because only bad customer service costs money, I go the extra mile for you.

Sabrina von Nessen


Sabrina von Nessen moves confidently on the online and offline stages of this world. In live, audio or video formats, she brings her extensive leadership experience to bear. The formats and messages are always tailored to the listeners and viewers, because the added value of the participants is always in the foreground. Clients appreciate that.

Keynotes & Moderation

(online, hybrid & offline)
Excerpt of references

Hochschule Augsburg
FOM Hochschule
Simmons + Simmons
TU München
Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
Business Kollektiv
Haufe Amazing People Conference
Vodafone F-Lane Accelerator
Working Moms
United Internet 1&1
Byte Challenge
Austin Fraser
Avantgarde Experts
Hamburg 1
New Work Experience 2021
Finance & Trends Banking Konferenz
Scherer Daily
Sidepreneur Event
B2B Insider Konferenz HR
Redi School of Integration
Market & Innovation Event afb Application Services AG
Konferenz Leichtigkeit im Job
WYN Conference Women Leadership
Event Speaking
Conference Arena MICE Fachmesse
Institut für zukunftsfähige Führung
Push Up Your Business
Hochschule Landshut
Amore Augsburg
Moving Stories
Next Talents

Presse & Artikel

Excerpt of references

Female One Zero
PT Magazin
Shift your Career
CBS News
Finance Business Next
NBC News
Personalleiter Today
Fox News
Die Deutsche Wirtschaft Top Entscheider
The Career Lounge
Technische Universität München
Portal der Wirtschaft
Mittelstand Cafe
Produktionsleiter Today

Radio & Podcast

Excerpt of references

Gesund führen: Emotional Leadership
Große Freiheit Emotional Leadership und der Säbelzahntiger
Get Leadership Done: Emotional Leadership und Tech
Einfach führen: Future Leader Skills
Leadership is a Lifestyle Emotionale Führung in der Krise
Experten Podcast: Menschliche Führung
Mehwert Werte: Emotionale Führung hat kein Geschlecht
Female Leader Stories
Nebenbei produktiv: Selbstwirksame Sidepreneure
Fresh Practice: Welcher Karriereweg ist schon gerade
Sayaa - Was Frauen bewegt: Leadership
Change einfach Machen: Leadership ist Lebensstil
The Leadership Talk: Führung
Eine gute Viertelstunde Inspirierend als Führungskraft
Erfolgsgeschichten: Karrierewege
Die neuen Helden: Women in Tech
Ohrsicht Radio
Gedankendealer: Welchen Mehrwert hat Emotional Leadership?
Stressmanagement: Überforderung erkennen
Neue Stärke: Mission Menschlichkeit
Wachstumsbooster: Patentrezept Leadership?
Buchplausch: Warum jeder ein Buch schreiben sollte
Erfolg trifft Herz Leadership
Tatendrang: Umsetzung
Nachhalting reich: Emotional Leadership
Stunde Null: Am Boden kann es nur aufwärts gehen
Visionistas: Emotional Leadership
9 to Geil: Grenzen sprengen
New Work Moms: Emotional Leadership
Effizienter lernen, arbeiten, leben: Kontrolle ist eine Lebenslüge
Radio GranCanaria
Gesund führen: Emotional Leadership
Gesund führen: Emotional Leadership
Gesund führen: Emotional Leadership
Gesund führen: Emotional Leadership

and memberships

Top Service Provider & Top Recommendation

Proven Expert 2020, 2021

The "TOP Service Provider" and "TOP Recommendation" awards identify the top-rated service providers based on customer reviews. These awards recognize outstanding service providers with high customer satisfaction and recommendation rates. The service providers' customers benefit from tested quality.

German Speaker Association

Professional association of professional speakers

The German Speaker Association is the umbrella organization for more than 6,000 speakers, trainers and coaches and offers networking, access to service providers and advanced training. The speakers' clients benefit from state-of-the-art know-how.

The German Economy

Top decision-makers 2020

Award of "Die Deutsche Wirtschaft"- from practice for practice.



proTechnicale offers insights into technical courses of study and occupational fields for study orientation.

BYTE Challenge 2021


The Byte Challenge is a computer science competition with a social perspective and is aimed at school students.

Excellence & Platinum Award


Winner of the Excellence Award and the Platinum Award, co-holder of the world record in the International Speaker Slam.


Ambassador Finalist Award 2021, Category Leadership

Femtec GmbH was founded in 2001 by EAF Berlin and the Technical University of Berlin with the goal of supporting female STEM students in their career development.

Digitale Female Leader Award

Faces of Change 2020

Nominated for the Audience Award 2020

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insights and updates?

Then go here to sign up for the newsletter. I'm happy if we stay in contact! (Don't worry: no spam, no unnecessary emails, unsubscribe at any time).

I write about everything related to leadership from self-leadership to people leadership to business leadership. The focus is on people and therefore also on topics like motivation, mindset, self-management, resilience or agility. I also share news and analyses from science and business as well as current references to relevant events, blog articles or products.

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    Sabrina von Nessen

    Königsbrunner Str. 24
    86507 Oberottmarshausen

    Phone: 0151 535 20301

    © Copyright 2022 Sabrina von Nessen